Re: [] sauteed potatoes

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] sauteed potatoes
Date: 09:57 on 21 Aug 2003
On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 10:04:18PM +0100, Kate L Pugh said:
> Don't leave us in suspense - what's the secret that you were missing
> until now?

I think it was a combination of things. This time round I have a decent, 
hevay pan rather than a fairly flimsy frying pan. I think I par boiled 
the potatoes just right and then put them into some not-quite-foaming 
oil and butter mix (with some fresh ground pepper and salt in). 

Then I just left them to slightly brown (not too much, jsuta  little 
coloured on the flat edges) which I think was my other problem 
before - I moved them around too much and on too high a heat.

Then I turned the heat right down and left them again, moveing them only 

What also helped, possibly, was that I stuck them in a serving bowl into 
the oven which had previously been finishing off the sausages and 
warming some bread. I turned off the oven, dumped the sausages in the 
other side of the same dish and then left them in there whilst I made 
the gravy (about 5 minutes). Luvvly.

> I just put them in the oven from raw.  Richard swore this wouldn't
> work but it does.

I prefer them when they've been slightly fried first. I find this brings 
out the slightly stickyness that I love so much. 

My only problem with using a griddle pan is that it's more difficult to 
make gravy with.


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