Re: [] Pizza recommendations for Islington

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From: Joel Bernstein
Subject: Re: [] Pizza recommendations for Islington
Date: 11:32 on 11 Sep 2003
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 11:30:10AM +0100, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> I went round Marna's last night, and we ordered some very lovely pizza
> from Cucina - see
> This reminded me that although there must be some excellent pizza
> places in Islington, it being posh and all, whenever I am there we
> always end up ordering the grease-boat variety of pizza from Sorrento:
> Where in Islington will deliver me gorgeous real Italian pizza?  Extra
> points if they have anything as delicious as Cucina's oceanica.
> (My recommendation for real pizza in Fulham is Pappa Ciccia -
> )

Basilico is very good, too. SW11, SW6, SW14 and NW3.


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