[london.food] Goose!

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From: Natalie Ford
Subject: [london.food] Goose!
Date: 17:23 on 02 Oct 2003
Neil and I have acquired a goose.  I have not checked to see if it has 
been gutted or whatever it is called for birds.  My uncle roasted it's 
partner but it came out very tough.  I have no idea how to roast a bird.  
We were hoping to use it in curry or some-such and wonder how well it will 
cook from raw and how to butcher it and so on.  We also wonder if *slowly* 
roasting it and *then* using it in a curry or five would be a better idea. 
 Any ideas or recipes?  We have a pretty foolproof curry recipe or three 
that are Natalie-safe (no wheat, dairy or chilli) but have no idea how to 
butcher or roast - thick or what?  ;-)


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