[london.food] [Recipe] 'What's in the fridge' - dressing

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From: Wistow, Kay
Subject: [london.food] [Recipe] 'What's in the fridge' - dressing
Date: 10:00 on 28 Oct 2003
Last night I was faced with the remains of the roast chicken we had =
eaten on
Sunday.  I can eat salad any day of the year, however Martin considers =
rabbit food.   It ended up as mixed salad leaves, baby plum tomatoes,
chopped spring onions with shredded chicken, added croutons for crunch =
thought about how to dress it.

Came up with 1 tsp green mustard, combined with mayo and natural =
(adjust proportions to suit your palate.  I used double yoghurt to =
splash/glug of olive oil and then water until consistency was of a =
drizzle.  Dressing is worth a try, smooth and creamy with an underlying =
from the green mustard.  Had to add saut=E9ed potatoes for Martin

I have the same dilemma this evening (it was a huge chicken for the two =
us).  Thinking about plagerised dauphinois potatoes ie introducing =
chicken into layers of onion, potatoes and cream, will probably add =
and tarragon.  Anyone got any other suggestions?


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