Re: [] [Recipe] 'What's in the fridge' - dressing

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] [Recipe] 'What's in the fridge' - dressing
Date: 10:14 on 28 Oct 2003
On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 10:00:04AM -0000, Kay Wistow said:
> I have the same dilemma this evening (it was a huge chicken for the two of
> us).  Thinking about plagerised dauphinois potatoes ie introducing shredded
> chicken into layers of onion, potatoes and cream, will probably add garlic
> and tarragon.  Anyone got any other suggestions?

I've done something like this which was a mutation of a chicken lasagne 
I did (with taragon white sauce).

The other thing I've always liked is shredded chicken fried with mustard
seeds and peppers. Or, one of my favourites, gussy it up with something
(fajita sauce or just fried with peppers and spring onions) and then
serve it with fajitas and all the associated trimmings.

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