Re: [] fishy questions

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] fishy questions
Date: 09:43 on 18 Nov 2003
On Mon 17 Nov 2003, Billy Abbott <> wrote:
> anyway, i now have somem fish stock (made from sea bass and random
> veggies) and a couple of haddock fillets, and was wonderinig if anyone has
> any ideas what i could do with them - individually or seperate.

I finally made a decent fish stew the other week.  I followed the
advice people gave me here - used fish stock to give it a good flavour
and added the fish right at the end.  It was tomato-based and also had
red wine and onions and er, did I put peppers in?  Maybe.  Black olives
would have been good too.


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