[london.food] Planning ahead, and not planning ahead

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] Planning ahead, and not planning ahead
Date: 22:56 on 21 Nov 2003
I've been flicking through a few websites tonight that talk about
planning ahead for meals.  Things like buying a slow cooker and
setting it going in the morning before you go to work, planning in the
morning to cook fish and getting it out of the freezer, that kind of thing.

I'd love to do this kind of thing, but there's a small problem.  I
sort of live in two different places, an hour and a quarter's journey
apart.  I often don't know when I set off to work in the morning where
I will be staying that night.  I shop for both places, but inevitably
I forget what I bought for where, and I end up with two pounds of
broccoli in the place I'm not, and none in the place I am.

I have freezers and microwaves in both places.  I usually don't get back
from work until gone 6pm.  Oh, and I don't generally know very far in
advance whether I'm cooking for one, two or three people, and I may
also not know what the other people had for supper the previous night.
Everyone will have had a different lunch, at a different time.

How on earth do I plan ahead for the evening meal?


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