Re: [] Planning ahead, and not planning ahead

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Planning ahead, and not planning ahead
Date: 13:25 on 23 Nov 2003
Kate L Pugh wrote:
>> How on earth do I plan ahead for the evening meal?

On Sat 22 Nov 2003, Nigel Rantor <> wrote:
> I dunno, but I can't wait to find out. :-)

Trying to build up a similar range of condiments, spices, etc in each
place seems to have helped somewhat.  I think I am going to start
doing more bean-based things too, since I can pretty much guarantee to
keep stocks of tinned kidney beans, chickpeas, etc.

Part of the problem is that I don't know what the other people
involved will have used up since I was last there.  I can be fairly
sure that there will be rice, pasta, cans of tomatoes and beans,
simply by buying excessive quantities of them, but there may or may
not be cheese, eggs, milk, vegetables.

I don't mind popping in to the supermarket on my way from work, so I
can get fresh vegetables, but cheese and things are more awkward,
since I can't really buy 100g of cheese or two eggs, and buying bigger
packs every time is just going to get expensive and end up with things
going off and being wasted.

Perhaps what I need is to rethink what I cook, and keep a record of
what worked and what didn't.  I'm sure this food malarkey used to be
much less complicated.


There's stuff above here

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