Re: [] Fishfinger sandwiches

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: Re: [] Fishfinger sandwiches
Date: 08:20 on 29 Jan 2004
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Kate L Pugh wrote:

> We already did bacon sandwiches.  How do you make your fishfinger sandwiches?

I don't normally care what sort of bread I use, but prefer cheapest of
cheap and nasty white bread for some reason. I then grill up 4 fish
fingers, economy ones of possible, and then stick in some cheese and a
healthy slug of marmite. Give it a good squish with the flat of the hand
and then chop it in half, trying (normally unsuccessfully) to get the
knife between the middle fish fingers.

Hooray! I am not the only one who eats fish finger sarnies.


 Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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