Re: [] Fishfinger sandwiches

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Fishfinger sandwiches
Date: 23:23 on 06 Mar 2004
On Thu 29 Jan 2004, Kate L Pugh <kake@xxxxx.xx> wrote:
> I use wholemeal sliced bread, untoasted, with tomato ketchup on one
> slice of the bread and preferably tartare sauce (but mayonnaise or even
> Sandwich Spread will do) on the other.  I use three fishfingers.

I have discovered the ultimate fishfinger sandwich trick.  Whatever
bread, fishfingers, sauces, or other additions you prefer: spread one
slice of bread with a squidge of garlic puree before you do anything
else.  It will be ten times more delicious.


Generated at 23:25 on 06 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41