Re: [] Duck Fat

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From: Aaron Straup Cope
Subject: Re: [] Duck Fat
Date: 12:52 on 29 Jan 2004
On Thu, 2004-01-29 at 05:22, Tom Sulston wrote:

> That should be fine. If you're after a recipe that's not roast 
> potatoes: try poutine. (The real deal is made by cooking your chips 
> twice in rendered pork fat (but anything high in saturates should do), 
> mixing in some little bits of cheese, and then covering in a thick 
> gravy.)
> (I have never made this, but it sounds /amazing/)

Hailing from the Land of Poutine [1], I will only add that a) it /is/
amazing, even if it does sound a bit gross and b) technically the cheese
goes on after the gravy. 

I'm told that the best poutine is to be had out in the Eastern Townships
but if you're ever in Montreal with a craving the best spots I've found
are : 

 * La Banquise (open 24 hrs), on Rachel

 * Le Pied de Cochon (which makes a poutine w/ fois gras), on

 * Chez Claudette (also open 24 hrs; it fell from grace for
   a few years when the original owner's brother took over and 
   didn't think there was any difference between fresh and frozen
   fries - he's since seen the error of his ways), on Laurier




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