Re: [] Duck Fat

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] Duck Fat
Date: 11:11 on 29 Jan 2004
Tom Sulston wrote:
> I wouldn't be happy keeping it in the fridge for more than a few days - 
> but it's really obvious when fat goes off[1], so you'll know if it's OK! 
> ;-)


> The bits will be fine - essentially they're preserved in the fat. The 
> only problem that you'd get is if you try and cook with the fat and burn 
> the already-cooked bits of meat. But if there's only a few, you'll get a 
> nice slightly-burnt edge to your food, like what you get if using a 
> griddle pan.


> That should be fine. If you're after a recipe that's not roast potatoes: 
> try poutine. (The real deal is made by cooking your chips twice in 
> rendered pork fat (but anything high in saturates should do), mixing in 
> some little bits of cheese, and then covering in a thick gravy.)

Wow, sounds like even my svelte freame would have trouble keeping that 
off. Is the recipe that simple? What kind of gravy?

> (I have never made this, but it sounds /amazing/)

Yes. Yes it does.

> Incidentally: for anyone craving hot wintery stodge, the lamb shank with 
> mash and gravy at the Crown (N1) is fantastic! Really good solid comfort 
> food.

Hmm, one of the reason's I've been cooking more recently is the lack of 
funds.[1] I may however give it a go...


[0] There's nothing wrong with gratuitous footnotes as long as there is 
at least some humour and/or content.
[1] Yes, I know, so why was I cooking duck if I had no money[2]. It was 
someone's birthday, so there...and I get to scarf the rest...
[2] If anyone is looking for an Uberprogrammer then let me know, I'm on 
the game as it were.

There's stuff above here

Generated at 23:25 on 06 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41