[london.food] Accompaniments

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: [london.food] Accompaniments
Date: 12:26 on 12 Mar 2004
Last night I did one of my favourite quick dinners - Chicken breats 
stuffed with feat and pine nuts.

It's very simple - 

Toast a handful of pine nuts in a pan and then add them in a bowl to
about half a roughly chopped packet of feta. Add some garlic and
possibly some chilli. Chuck in some chopped flat leaf parsley or, as a I
discovered last nice, some prepackaged herb salad, roughly chopped.

Pour over a glug of olive oil, grind some pepper over it, mix. Leave to 
stand for a couple of moments.

Make some pockets in some nice chicken breatss and then stuff with the 
feat mix. Last night I wrapped the breatss completyely in pancetta. This 
was lovely although I missed the seared skin of the chicken. [0]

I then placed then, skin side down (i.e the broadest surface where the
skin would be if it wasn't covered in pancetta) in a hot pan which has a
little bit of olive oil in. I then truned the heat down, fried for a few
minutes and then turned them over. After a few more minutes I drizzled
on some balsamic and then put the whole lot in a 180 degree oven for
about 20 minutes.

[0] It occurred to me to sear the chicken *then* add the pancetta just 
before it went into the oven. This may or may not work. 

My big problem was what to serve with them. I eventually just settled on 
a heap of the herb salad with some red pper dressing I had lying around 
- the sweetness of the red pepper and the balsamic which were added just 
before going in the oven really contrasted with the tangyness of the 

However I would have liked something a bit more ... substantial but 
couldn't really think of anything.

Pasta didn't seem to work, neither did gnocchi de patate. Boild new 
potatos *might* work but I wans't really in the mood, mashed or satutead 
didn't seem right. The two most likely canddiates were some cous cous or 
a rosti but I didn't have of the first and I just can't seem to do the 

In retrospect some bruschetta might work. Especcially with chopped 
tomatos on top. 


gap wearing anarchist

Generated at 12:50 on 15 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41