Re: [] Accompaniments

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] Accompaniments
Date: 11:14 on 15 Mar 2004
Simon Wistow wrote:

> Pasta didn't seem to work, neither did gnocchi de patate. Boild new 
> potatos *might* work but I wans't really in the mood, mashed or satutead 
> didn't seem right. The two most likely canddiates were some cous cous or 
> a rosti but I didn't have of the first and I just can't seem to do the 
> second.
> In retrospect some bruschetta might work. Especcially with chopped 
> tomatos on top. 

I'd go for some crispy pan-fried potatoes and some dark green vegetables.
Possibly something like roasted tomatoes as well to have something juicy,
as otherwise the experience may be a little on the dry side.

I tend to be in favour of simple accompaniments to dishes with several
flavours. It gives a nice contrast and also reduces the amount of work. ;)


Generated at 12:50 on 15 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41