Re: [] Accompaniments

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Accompaniments
Date: 11:33 on 15 Mar 2004
On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 11:14:51AM +0000, Martin Frost said:
> I'd go for some crispy pan-fried potatoes and some dark green vegetables.
> Possibly something like roasted tomatoes as well to have something juicy,
> as otherwise the experience may be a little on the dry side.

I'm experimenting with this ...

1. Stick a couple of sprigs of cherry tomatos, still on the vine, 
drizzled with olive oil and seasoned to taste in the oven (at about 

Then drain two cans of some white beans. Dump them in a sauce pan and 
season, add some chicken stock and a large table spoon of mustard (dijon 
is good). Then bring to a simmer for about 5-10 minutes but don't boil. 
It's really a judgement call.

Take them off the heat and mash using a hand masher. Don't worry if 
they're a bit liquidy since you can always return to the heat. Drizzle 
in some olive oil and perhaps a knob of butter if you think it's 
appropriate. Return to a gentle heat.

Take the tomatos out fo the voen when they just start to split and serve 
them with the butterbean (in my case) mash. By leaving them on the vine 
they look very attractive (well, more attractive than I can usually 
manage) plus you can get that lovely .

I haven't actually tried this with my chicken thingy but I have with 
lambchops and it was lovely.

There's stuff above here

Generated at 12:50 on 15 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41