Re: [] Aubergines grilled with miso

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Aubergines grilled with miso
Date: 19:19 on 23 Mar 2004
On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 05:44:57PM +0000, Kate L Pugh said:
> > Cut 1cm-thick rounds of aubergine.  Mix miso paste with a bit of sake
> > and a bit of mirin or sugar.

On Tue 23 Mar 2004, Simon Wistow <> wrote:
> That sounds awfully like yakitori sauce.

No, no, it's very different.  The point of the sauce is the miso.
Tastes very different from yakitori sauce.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 16:15 on 29 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41