Re: [] Aubergines grilled with miso

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Aubergines grilled with miso
Date: 17:56 on 23 Mar 2004
On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 05:44:57PM +0000, Kate L Pugh said:
> Cut 1cm-thick rounds of aubergine.  Mix miso paste with a bit of sake
> and a bit of mirin or sugar.  Spread some of the miso mixture on one
> side of each aubergine slice and put them miso-side up under the
> grill.  When it browns, turn it over, grill till starting to brown
> (omit this step if you prefer your aubergines on the firm/undercooked
> side), spread miso on top and grill more.  Eat while hot.

That sounds awfully like yakitori sauce. Which can only be a good thing 

My other favourite Aubergine dishes are Sechzuan Aubergine with ho fun 
noodles (pine nuts taste good when toasted and added in) and 

Generated at 16:15 on 29 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41