Re: [] Bloody Vegetarians

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Bloody Vegetarians
Date: 12:14 on 25 Mar 2004
On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 11:58:20AM +0000, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> You want
> but the mushroom and walnut roast idea seems sound enough.

I've got a very very nice lentil loaf recipe, if anyone wants that.
It's featured at numerous Christmas/roast dinners for family/friends, &
I almost invariably end up wishing I'd made more because all the damn
meat eaters go 'ooh, that smells nice' & insist on gromphing half of
it.  Tears, imprecations, & stabbing them *really hard* with my fork all
have no effect.  It tastes a bit like stuffing, I guess, but more solid
(primary ingredients: lentils, mushrooms, onion, assorted flavourings, &
cheese & egg for the non-vegan version).

> I *like* meals that are composed of side dishes and accompaniments
> though.  If I was rich I would live on appetisers.

What she said.  I'm usually entirely happy to just have the
accompaniment stuff (as long as it's accepted that I get *more* of the
accompaniments cos I'm not eating the meat).  

Especially if the accompaniments involve, say, roast potatoes.  Some of
you may have witnessed me eating roast potatoes.  You have to look
*very quickly* to see it, though, otherwise they're all gone & all that
remains is a slightly fatter me.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 18:20 on 25 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41