Re: [] Bloody Vegetarians

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From: Marna Gilligan
Subject: Re: [] Bloody Vegetarians
Date: 12:23 on 25 Mar 2004
On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, Simon Wistow wrote:

> Whilst some of my best friends are veges they're a pain in the arse to 
> cook for when you're doing a largely carnivorous menu. I suspect that 
> this is largely because what seems to pass as 'main courses' on most 
> vege sites I've looked at would be classified under 'side dishes and 
> accompaniments' if I was organising things.

I tend to view the meaty part of the meal in the same category as the
non-meaty bits. So it's 'Cheezy brocolli and roast potatoes and roast cow
and garlicy mushrooms', rather than 'Roast cow with veg'. So I'd be more
inclined, instead of doing a veggie-only dish, to do another interesting
vegetable dish and let people help themselves to what they want and leave
what they don't.

I usually put more thought and effort into the veggie bits of a meal,
though, and there's hardly ever more than one meat-containing bit.


Generated at 18:20 on 25 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41