Re: [] Use it or lose it

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] Use it or lose it
Date: 16:34 on 29 Mar 2004

> On Sat, Mar 27, 2004 at 08:04:21PM +0000, Kate L Pugh said:
>>Anyway.  I also have a kilo and a half of lentils.  That's what size
>>the bag was, and they're good for me anyway, so I should eat more of
>>them.  This isn't a problem, since I adore lentils almost as much as
>>aubergines.  Lentils go with anything!

Well, one of my favourite weeknight dishes is Lentil soup.

You saute some onions (probably 2 smallish ones or 1 medium) in olive 
oil, then add about 2 handfuls of lentils. Stir them around to get them 
nicely coated and then add some [chicken|veggie] stock to cover them 
twice over (about a litre). Chuck in a bay leaf or two, and simmer until 
it is of your preferred consistency (the lentils should be soft, not 
crispy - so about 20 mins or more). Season to taste with salt, black 
pepper and lemon juice.

Wash some spinach (do not dry) and chuck it in a large hot pan with a 
lid. Heat on the stove while shaking it about until the leaves are 
wilted. Put this spinach in the bottom of some bowls, pour the soup over 
it, and garnish with a few mint leaves per bowl.

I think this came from Nigel Slater originally.

Note that you can also add bits of bacon and fry it with the onions, but 
I don't do this because I am a Bloody Vegetarian!


There's stuff above here

Generated at 14:50 on 30 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41