Re: [] Fruit savouries (was: Use it or lose it)

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From: Simon Batistoni
Subject: Re: [] Fruit savouries (was: Use it or lose it)
Date: 10:20 on 30 Mar 2004
On 30/03/04 10:01 +0100, Martin Frost wrote:
> David Cantrell wrote:
> >I once tried lentil soup flavoured with orange peel.  Don't do it, it 
> >was gross.
> Of course it was gross. Fruit in a savoury dish is always gross. ;)

Beh. Rubbish...

Banana in curry can work really well, as long as the curry is strong
enough to carry it.

And pork goes brilliantly with apple. As does red cabbage. In fact,
red apple and cabbage with pork is bloody brilliant.

Mango chutney with an appropriately spicy curry, anyone?

I've never been a huge fan of lemon chicken, but lemon goes
brilliantly with fish.

And then we have Duck a l'Orange...

Any more that people particularly enjoy?


There's stuff above here

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