Re: [] Ciabatta and Baguettes

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] Ciabatta and Baguettes
Date: 11:44 on 20 Apr 2004
Simon Wistow wrote:

> Speaking of baguettes I really hate piddlingly narrow ones but when I 
> was mooching round Chapel Street market on Saturday I had a sausage 
> sandwich from a stall that had truly massive baguettes - at least 6 
> inchease acorss. And damn were they delicious - a much softer crust, 
> slightly flatter and a paler colour than the bullet hard golden things 
> you get from supermarkets.

A couple of supermarkets will do French bread that's more like the bread
you get in France (still not the same, but not just plain crusty bread
that happens to be in a long thin shape). Safeways do this, for example.


There's stuff above here

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