Re: [] Nibbly things

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Nibbly things
Date: 17:12 on 26 Apr 2004
On Mon 26 Apr 2004, Simon Wistow <> wrote:
> Tempura vegetables with chilli dipping sauce. Dead easy to make.
> Deep fried tofu cubes (can also be battered) with lots of dipping salt.

I am not deep-frying anything.  I don't like doing it.

> Miso soup. So easy to make it's not true.

I don't have anything to keep it hot in, unfortunately (the rice
cooker DIED), and I'm not running in and out of the kitchen bringing
soup every time someone arrives, and I'm not having people milling
around in my kitchen while I finish things off, either.  There will be
some form of soup with the main course though.


Oooh.  I will make them there carrot sticks, I will.  Thank you!


There's stuff above here

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