Re: [] Aubergine thing...

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Aubergine thing...
Date: 16:40 on 21 May 2004
On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 04:35:59PM +0100, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> On Thu 20 May 2004, Juliet Kemp <juliet@xxxxx.xx> wrote:
> > Kake recently said something about making nice aubergine dip thingy.
> > As I recall, you char your aubergine over the gas, remove the skin,
> > puree it with lemon juice & a little tahini, & EAT IT ALL.  Am I
> > missing anything?  Garlic?
> You are missing garlic.

Unfortunately, I guessed that there *should* be garlic in, & put in
rather too much.  Ouch.  (I never before believed there could be *too
much garlic*).  Addition of a further aubergine this morning did not
help matters enough.  Suggestions for other rescuing-possibilities?  So
far all I've come up with is sticking *another* aubergine in there -
that takes us to 2.5 aubergines, which is getting silly.  Although less
silly than abandoning it altogether, I guess.  Currently you could get
away with using it as salad dressing (with a bit more oil in), but
definitely not as dip or sandwich filling.

> Another way to do this is bake the aubergine in the oven until it's
> soft but the skin is not burnt to a crisp, and leave the skin on when
> you puree it.

Ah.  I baked it, in the end, but until the skin was burnt, & peeled it
off.  Lovely & squidgy!


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