Re: [] Aubergine thing...

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] Aubergine thing...
Date: 11:21 on 25 May 2004
On Fri, 21 May 2004, Juliet Kemp wrote:

> Unfortunately, I guessed that there *should* be garlic in, & put in
> rather too much.  Ouch.  (I never before believed there could be *too
> much garlic*).  Addition of a further aubergine this morning did not
> help matters enough.  Suggestions for other rescuing-possibilities?  So
> far all I've come up with is sticking *another* aubergine in there -
> that takes us to 2.5 aubergines, which is getting silly.  Although less
> silly than abandoning it altogether, I guess.  Currently you could get
> away with using it as salad dressing (with a bit more oil in), but
> definitely not as dip or sandwich filling.

Is it hot-garlicky, or garlic-garlicky?

If it's hot-garlicky, heating and cooling it might help (though I don't
know what that would do to the rest of it).

If it's garlic-garlicky, then you could try a bit more lemon, but I always
find that garlicky things just get more and more garlicky the longer you
leave them in the fridge.

I'm still not convinced that it is possible to have too much garlic in a
dip. I have been known to add extra raw crushed garlic to shop-bought
houmous to get an extra garlic kick.

I suppose it depends on who you have to talk to in the hours afterwards
though. ;)

I have a recipe for shish taouk that I've been meaning to make for a while
that includes a recipe for garlic cream, made by pureeing twelve cloves of
garlic with salt and then slowly adding olive oil to achieve a sort of
mayonnaise consistency.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 13:00 on 26 May 2004 by mariachi 0.41