[london.food] recipes

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: [london.food] recipes
Date: 14:52 on 04 Jun 2004
I realised that I ought to post the recipes for the things I've been cooking, since
I've been mainly just lurking.

Two recipes here. The first is for a dish that my mother used to call "Athens Lamb".
I don't know if this is exactly how she used to make it - this was recreated from
memory of the finished product, but it was very nice when I made it on Tuesday.
It's a very quick way of using up leftover roast lamb.

I'm not sure exactly how much lamb was left in terms of weight. It was a bit over
half of a half leg (lower half), and cut up it filled a 1-litre plastic box.

	2 onions, quartered and sliced
	lots of garlic, sliced thinly
	leftover lamb, cut into bite-size pieces
	1 mug rice
	lots of lemon juice
	good double handful of mushrooms, quartered

Fry the onions and garlic until soft in a big pan with a lid. Add the rice and stir well.
Add the lamb and stir again to mix everything together.

Put in a good amount of lemon juice (you probably want at least 2-3 lemons' worth
initially), stir briefly, then add 2 mugs of boiling water. Mix well and taste the
liquid in the pan - you'll want some salt and quite possibly a bit more lemon. It
should have quite a strong lemony taste without being overpoweringly sour.

Add the mushrooms and a bit of pepper, give it a final stir, put the lid on, and
leave it for 20-25 minutes or until all the liquid has been absorbed. Check that
the rice is done - if not, add a bit more boiling water. In particular, you will
need to extend the cooking times and probably add more water if you use brown rice
(which would work well and may even be better than white rice). If you need to
serve more people, you could up the rice and mushrooms easily.

This is nice with a tomato salad.

The second recipe is one I made on Wednesday night. I seem to recall that someone
else (Kake?) posted a sausage casserole recipe last year, but this is a different
version, with the peppers making for quite a different flavour. This much will do
6 small or 4 large portions. I used Coppin Bros Toulouse sausages.

	12 well-flavoured sausages
	2 rashers bacon, chopped
	4 onions, finely chopped
	lots of garlic, thinly sliced
	2 tins chopped tomatoes
	about 1.5 lbs assorted peppers, quartered and sliced across the grain
	a good double handful of mushrooms

Brown the sausages gently in a little oil, then add the bacon and fry it until
the fat is starting to crisp. Add the onions and garlic and soften them.

Put in the tomatoes and a couple of cans of water. Scrape off any bits which may
have stuck to the bottom. Add the sliced peppers and the mushrooms, season it,
bring to the boil, and either stick it in the oven for 1-2 hours or simmer it on
the hob for a similar time (doing it in the oven is easier as you don't have to
check it's not boiling dry).

You'll find that the onions, bacon, and tomatoes will turn into a nice thick sauce,
and the peppers will give it a wonderful flavour.

This reheats well and the flavour improves greatly overnight.


Generated at 13:00 on 15 Jun 2004 by mariachi 0.41