Re: [] Cold snack food

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] Cold snack food
Date: 00:01 on 15 Jun 2004
Roger Burton West wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 14, 2004 at 11:53:26PM +0100, Nigel Rantor wrote:
>>Tzatziki, Hummous, Tara. All with pitta floating around.
>>Cold fruit, especially melon, mango, strawbs...
> Tempting. Don't know Tara at all...

Sorry, just shortening Taramosalata. :-)

> I should have mentioned that this'll be a LANParty, so there'll be
> plenty of beer going around.

Wow, well then I would advise you to install some air-con then or buy 
some fans so you don't all broil in the heat fomr the environment and 
the computers. ;-P


There's stuff above here

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