Re: [] Cold snack food

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From: Eemeli Aro
Subject: Re: [] Cold snack food
Date: 00:10 on 15 Jun 2004
There's a really rather nice marinated avocado and mozzarella salad I've 
been making recently. It's been a bit of a 
let's-see-what-could-go-well-with-this kind of experience, so no exact 
amounts, I'm afraid...

   roughly equal amounts of avocado and mozzarella
   a bunch of basil, cut into tiny bits
   some olive oil
   perhaps some chives, chopped up
   a quarter of a red pepper cut into wee slices, if you feel like it
   either balsamic vinegar or white wine vinegar
   maybe a clove of garlic
   a little lemon juice
   salt and ground black pepper
   a spoonful of sugar, demerara seems to work well

The basic idea is to first take the avocado and mozzarella and chop them 
up into nice shapes -- slices look good, but cubes are easier to deal 
with. Then, take all (or some of) the other ingredients and mix them up 
into a marinade that you pour over the avocado & mozzarella and let sit 
in the fridge for an hour or two.

This all makes a rather nice salad that somewhat unfortunately sometimes 
ends up looking like Blackadder's "purest green". But it does taste good.


Roger Burton West wrote:

> I'm having some friends over this coming weekend, and while the
> long-range forecast promises thunder and lightning in London I don't
> want to be committed to serving hot food if it's as warm as it was
> today. What are some thoughts on good cold dishes that are easy to
> prepare? (Bearing in mind I'm very lazy.)
> Currently thinking about potato salad, and a cherry-tomatoes-and-celery-
> sticks-and-carrots arrangement with "fake thousand island".
> R

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