Re: [] Salsa

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] Salsa
Date: 15:00 on 09 Aug 2004
Juliet Kemp wrote:
> We seem to have vast quantities of salsa in the fridge.  Not the nice
> stuff, sadly (or I'd just eat it with bread), but Doritos or whatever.
> I keep making this error of remembering that I like it, when what I
> *actually* like is the nice stuff.  
> Anyway - any suggestions for using it up?

How much do you dislike it?

If you just find it a bit bland and boring, you could try livening
it up with some extra chillis or spices, or may stir in some chopped
raw vegetables to give it a bit more crunch.

If you actively loathe it, then you'll have to try harder to cover
it up, and it might be easier to just donate it to someone who does
like it and get/make something nicer.

Incidentally, what do you regard as "the nice stuff"?


There's stuff above here

Generated at 22:00 on 10 Aug 2004 by mariachi 0.41