Re: [] Red peppercorns

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Red peppercorns
Date: 09:36 on 23 Aug 2004
On Sat, Aug 21, 2004 at 10:43:04AM +0100, Roger Burton West said:
> I've been given some red peppercorns. I am told that these are terribly
> hard to get hold of. What should I do with them?

I presume (and you know what they say about 'presume' it makes a PRES 
out of U and ME. No wait, that's not right) that Red ppercorns are like 
Szechuan peppers corns. In that case I like to make  a aslat pepper mix 
by toasting equal quanities of white and red pepper corns in a saute pan 
for about 3 minutes, making sure they don't burn (although if they pop 
like corn then that's fine). 

You can actually then waft around the smoke from this if you've got
people coming over for dinner - it'll make things smell really amazing
(that plus Chinese Rice Wine (or sherry) are my top tips for 'authentic'
tasting Chinese food)

Anyway, ocne you've got that you crush it with the same amount rock salt 
(so you have equal quanities of red peppercorns, white pepper corns and 
salt) in a pestel and mortar. You can then toss prawns or squid in 
cornflour and some of the mixture and either deep fry or fry in a hot 
wok. Mmmm.

Another idea is to rub duck peices in it, leave it over night and then 
deep fry or rub duck breatss in it and then sear them in a pan - skin 
side down first.

Then there's szechuan baked tofu or pork or .... oh god, I'm hungry now.

Generated at 13:00 on 23 Aug 2004 by mariachi 0.41