Re: [] Red peppercorns

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: Re: [] Red peppercorns
Date: 12:24 on 23 Aug 2004
On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 12:20:52PM +0100, Martin Frost wrote:

>Are these red peppercorns as in white peppercorns with skin, or Szechuan
>peppercorns (which are actually an entirely different thing)?

The letter I got with them says "red peppercorns". They appear to be,
well, red peppercorns. There are fragments of red skin in the bag, but
none of the peppercorns appears to be white (some are pinkish rather
than red, though).


There's stuff above here

Generated at 13:00 on 23 Aug 2004 by mariachi 0.41