Re: [] Red peppercorns

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] Red peppercorns
Date: 12:20 on 23 Aug 2004
Roger Burton West wrote:
> I've been given some red peppercorns. I am told that these are terribly
> hard to get hold of. What should I do with them?

Are these red peppercorns as in white peppercorns with skin, or Szechuan
peppercorns (which are actually an entirely different thing)?

You can get Szechuan peppercorns from the Cool Chile Company. I have a
tin (might have two, actually) in the kitchen. They have an interesting
effect if you chew them slowly, as your entire mouth will go numb...


Generated at 13:00 on 23 Aug 2004 by mariachi 0.41