Re: [] Freezing grapes

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Freezing grapes
Date: 12:58 on 28 Aug 2004
On Sat, Aug 28, 2004 at 12:43:28PM +0100, Juliet Kemp said:
> I've got a grape vine in the back garden, which this year is producing
> lots of small, slightly sharp, black grapes.  They're edible raw, but
> there's quite a few of them, & I'm the only one who really likes them.
> So I was thinking of making them into jelly, but they keep ripening at
> different times.  Does anyone know if I can freeze them as they ripen, &
> then defrost them once they're all harvested & turn them into jelly
> successfully?  Or will this go Horribly Wrong?

You can always make EisWein :)

It's fairly eays to freeze grapes - destem and then wash and dry the
grapes, pack them in an air tight container (you don't need to add sugar
like with some other fruit), and freeze (leave some room between the
grapes and the lid). They're really nice and can be used straight from
frozen in recipes.

Just looked this up in a book of mine and it mentions that if you want 
to sue them in preserves you only have to thaw them until they're 

So there you go.

Ooh, apparently you can also freeze them in cold syrup using a 3:2
water/sugar ratio.


Generated at 18:00 on 03 Sep 2004 by mariachi 0.41