Re: [] Freezing grapes

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Freezing grapes
Date: 11:59 on 30 Aug 2004
On Sat, Aug 28, 2004 at 12:58:04PM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 28, 2004 at 12:43:28PM +0100, Juliet Kemp said:
> > I've got a grape vine in the back garden, which this year is producing
> > lots of small, slightly sharp, black grapes.  They're edible raw, but
> > there's quite a few of them, & I'm the only one who really likes them.
> > So I was thinking of making them into jelly, but they keep ripening at
> > different times.  Does anyone know if I can freeze them as they ripen, &
> > then defrost them once they're all harvested & turn them into jelly
> > successfully?  Or will this go Horribly Wrong?
> You can always make EisWein :)

Sadly, I don't think that Bermondsey is likely to get a frost of less
than -8degC.  

> It's fairly eays to freeze grapes - destem and then wash and dry the
> grapes, pack them in an air tight container (you don't need to add sugar
> like with some other fruit), and freeze (leave some room between the
> grapes and the lid). They're really nice and can be used straight from
> frozen in recipes.

Ta!  Right, I shall do that then.  
[wanders off to pick grapes]


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