Re: [] pie (mmm, pie)

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From: Tony Kennick
Subject: Re: [] pie (mmm, pie)
Date: 14:24 on 10 Sep 2004
On Fri, Sep 10, 2004 at 02:20:56PM +0100,
the following was promulgated by Simon Wistow:

> On Fri, Sep 10, 2004 at 01:55:20PM +0100, James Bywater said:
> > "white sauce" could be appropriate moiswture.
> Interesting. Although I'm not sure how it'd work with the chorizo.

Really wel,, I did this a while back, although I had my usual pastry
disaster and didn't have a lid on the pie.

	Tony Kennick
	$ whcih ispell
	bash: whcih: command not found

There's stuff above here

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