Re: [] pie (mmm, pie)

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: Re: [] pie (mmm, pie)
Date: 14:11 on 10 Sep 2004
On Sep 10, 2004, at 13:52, Simon Wistow wrote:

> The two ideas I've had at the moment are roast chicken, ham and stilton
> or roast chicken and chorizo with <insert some sort of moisture here>

Ajvar would be good moisture in that.

*My pet chicken/chorizo recipe is to stuff breasts of the former with 
slices of the latter, and roast it. Yum.

> Suggestions for other types of pie and/or the mystery moisture would go
> down a treat.

I made a decent beef'n'beer pie at the weekend. Mmm. meat. Game 'n' 
juniper/redcurrants is also good, but you need to put a whole pile of 
fat in there too...

(Archipelago review not forgotten - life busy. Have got as far as 
pudding now!) 1 Lombard St review to follow. (Precis: Nice, but not 
very exciting. Very expensive.)

Tom Sulston
+44 77 99 89 80 44

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