Re: [] Cornbread

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From: Mike Jarvis
Subject: Re: [] Cornbread
Date: 05:32 on 06 Oct 2004
On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 03:17:05PM +0100, Kake L Pugh wrote:
> Cornbread.  Add wheat flour or not?  Any other hints?

nonononononononono.  Or if you do, don't bring it to the southern
US. I can hear my grandma spinning all the way from Arkansas. 
When i posted my cornbread photo essay, you asked me to combine it
down to a one pager too, and i got lazy and never did.  Here's the
text of it:  (with photos of my dirty cooktop at:

I just missed an opportunity to do a photo essay of the making of my
annual fall kahlua batch.  Should be ready just in time for xmas
eve. :)

two cups corn meal
1 egg
1 1/3 cups milk
2 tbs cooking oil

 Start by putting 2 tbs of cooking oil in a 8x8 pan (a cast iron
skillet would be even better) Toss it in a 450(f) (What's that,
230ish?) oven while you mix up everything else. 

The dry team starts with corn meal - two cups worth

Add a tablespoon of sugar - don't worry, that's not enough to turn it
into "sweet" cornbread, like you'd have for muffins 

The wet team starts with one egg, slightly beaten

To the egg, add 1 1/3 cups millk (about 325ml for you metric folk)

Stir the wet team into the dry team - don't beat it! Beating it too
hard will cause bubbles, and the cornbread will be softer. That's ok
for somethings, but cornbread should be sort of course feeling in the

Pull the pan from the oven, and pour the batter in

Note the oil that was in the pan sort of rises up on the edges, almost
deep frying the bread 

Set your timer for 20 minutes

Twenty minutes later, delicious cornbread!


Generated at 13:00 on 06 Nov 2004 by mariachi 0.41