Re: [] Cornbread

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Cornbread
Date: 05:49 on 06 Oct 2004
On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 03:17:05PM +0100, Kake L Pugh wrote:
>> Cornbread.  Add wheat flour or not?  Any other hints?

On Wed 06 Oct 2004, Mike Jarvis <> wrote:
> nonononononononono.  Or if you do, don't bring it to the southern
> US. I can hear my grandma spinning all the way from Arkansas. 

:)  I did get a slightly more helpful answer elsewhere: adding wheat
flour will make it too cakey.  So I didn't.

> When i posted my cornbread photo essay, you asked me to combine it
> down to a one pager too, and i got lazy and never did.  Here's the
> text of it:  (with photos of my dirty cooktop at:
> )

Ooh, I'd forgotten about that.

> ingredients:
> two cups corn meal
> 1 egg
> 1 1/3 cups milk
> 2 tbs cooking oil

I used 1 cup of polenta (yes, yes, I know it's not the same thing), 1
egg, 1 cup of milk.  However I also added 1/2 tsp baking powder.
Yours doesn't have any kind of rising agent.  Is that normal?

And I added 100g blue cheese as well.

> [...] 450(f) (What's that, 230ish?) oven [...]
> Set your timer for 20 minutes

However the recipe I was following said 450F for 40 minutes.  I should
have trusted my judgement that this was far too long; either that or
checked on it part way through.  It got a wee bit overcooked, and was
a little too dry.

Tasted good though.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 13:00 on 06 Nov 2004 by mariachi 0.41