Re: [] "best" menu in the world

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From: Leon Brocard
Subject: Re: [] "best" menu in the world
Date: 11:49 on 04 Nov 2004
Simon Wistow sent the following bits through the ether:

> * Bresse chicken in cream sauce with vegetables
>   from Ambroisie in Paris
> ...
> How good can "chicken in cream sauce" be? 

I must say that the chicken at L'Ambroisie is really lovely
indeed. It's not about making complicated dishes, it's about making
good ingredients taste wonderful. Yes, you can always make egg & bacon
ice cream, but will I really eat it more than once? Give me St John

Leon Brocard.............................

... And if one bad cluster should accidentally fail...

Generated at 00:04 on 17 Dec 2004 by mariachi 0.41