Re: [] Chicken soup

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Chicken soup
Date: 13:30 on 15 Dec 2004
On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 01:22:07PM +0000, Kate L Pugh said:
> Sounds good, thanks.  I shall do that.  Is it likely to be nicer
> blended than left chunky?  I'll want to do some blending to get rid of
> the lentil skins but I could do that before I add the chicken.

Possibly a good idea - I tend to blend my soup fairly chunky anyway but 
maybe blend then add chicken and let the chicken poach for a while.

> How about salami?  I have a packet of salami slices in the fridge that
> needs using.  Actually, it's best before mid-November but it still
> looks fine.  Is it likely to be OK?  It's not been opened.

Mightn't that be a bit fatty?

I'd have the salami in sandwhiches whilst waiting for the chicken to 

Oh, and agree with James wrt to Spinach. mmm, Tarka Dall

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