Re: [] Christmas dinner

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Christmas dinner
Date: 11:05 on 20 Dec 2004
On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 01:44:51PM -0000, Ivor Williams said:
> I will be cooking a Christmas dinner (turkey et al), at a mate's house

Not exactly answering your question but on Saturday I was rounf at a 
friends house and we did a 10 course meal for 16 people. it all came off 
without a hitch which I was pleasantly surprised by. anyway, the menu 
was (veges may want to look away)

First:   Canapes
         Cream cheese and horseradish wrapped in smoked salmon
         Various olives

Second:  Starter
         Steamed asparagus wrapped in parma ham and a sherry vinagrette

Third:   Soup course
         Roasted butternut squash and pumpkin soup

Fouth:   Fish course
         Tuna and Monkfish cerviche

Fith:   'Other' starter
         Foie Gras and melba toast with a cranberry chutney

Sixth:   Game course
         Wild rabbit ragout canneloni with basil olive oil and pecorino

Seventh: Sorbet
         Lemon and vodka sorbet

Eighth:  Main  
         A Pandora's Cushion 
         Potatos and parsnips roasted in goose fat
         Julienned carrots with mustard and honey
         Sauteed red cabbage drizzled with red sherry vinegar
         Chipolatas wrapped in smoked bacon

Ninth:   Dessert
         Chocolate goop with warmed berry coulis type thing

Tenth:   Cheese course
         Variety of tasty curdled milks

Eleven courses if you count brandy, port and whisky as a course :)

Damnably tasty it was too.


Generated at 00:01 on 11 Jan 2005 by mariachi 0.41