[london.food] Many Recipes

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From: Bob Walker
Subject: [london.food] Many Recipes
Date: 21:10 on 26 Feb 2005
Im very slack. ive been meaning to post these for a while.
Anyway, here follows soem of my culinary exploits for the last couple of 
months ( more like 4 but hey!)

Steak and Kidney Pie

After my discovery that i can make good shortcrust pastry as detailed a 
while back I decided i would try and make a Steak and Kidney pie.

Take about 1/2 pound of Ox kidney

cut it into very small bits.

take 2 pounds of braising steak

cut into decent sized chunks

brown the kidneys and braising steak in a frying pan.

brown off some onions and mushrooms ( 2 large onions and 1/2 pound of 
mushrooms i think)

add the steak and kidneys, add some stock and flavourings. cook for a bit

make some shortcrust pastry, line a dish with pastry. add the filling. 
cover the top with pastry. write pie in pastry on the top. make a hole in 
the pastry. cook till the pastry is golden brown.
serve pie!
  this served 4 hungry people.

This recipe was losely adapted form several places. most thanks to delia 
for suggesting  that kidney should be chopped finely. This make it more 
palatable. it still reeks when cuttign it up though.

Goat Curry
living in Croydon there are several halal butchers. So goat and mutton are
  available on a constant basis. So riffing widely on the madras recipe 
mentioned in a previous 

I didnt have all the spices so i made things up as I went along. i really 
shoudl have written this before then i could tell you what i did. Anyway 
it turned out really good. You will just have to take my word for it,

Reindeer Risotto

For the last couple of years ive had a tin of finnish reindeer in my 
cupboards. So the person who gave it to me came round one evening so i 
thought i really should get round to using it. I decided on doing a 
risotto. My first risotto in fact,
So reading up on it on the web a bit i decided to take inspiration from 
the esteemed Mr Cantrell's recipe from this list. ( 
http://lists.firedrake.org/london.food/200305/msg00012.html ) althogh i 
actually use proper risotto rice.
it was very tasty if not slightly disturbing. The reindeer in can looks 
very odd.

Peppered Tuna Steaks with Buttery Parsnip Mash and a Pepper thing.

So the other night i was told i was going to have to cook and there was no 
food in the kitchen. So i popped into the Sainbury's at Victoria Station 
and bought some stuff.
2 Thinnish Tuna Steaks
5 or 6 Parsnips
1 Cauliflour
3 mixed peppers.

1) The pepper thing
The peppers
An onion
Half a bulb of Garlic
A splash of soy sauce

Slice the onion start browning it on a high heat. Chop the garlic add it 
to the onions. Slice 2 of the peppers chuck them in. Try to slice the 
third realise its mouldy inside and throw it away.
cook down for about 5 minutes add a splash of soy sauce. turn the heat 
down for 15 minutes. full herat again for about 5 minutes.

2)  Parsnip Mash
5/6 parsnips
1.5 ounces of butter

Boil the parsnips in water for 20 minutes
Add the butter and some pepper

3) Peppered Tuna steaks
2 Tuna steaks
Some pepper

Coat the tuna steaks in pepper on both sides. fry each side for 3 minutes. 

Bob Walker
Plain Digestives. The biscuit for choice!

Generated at 00:00 on 19 Mar 2005 by mariachi 0.41