[london.food] [RECIPE] poached chicken with stilton

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: [london.food] [RECIPE] poached chicken with stilton
Date: 10:20 on 18 Mar 2005
Well, sort of. This is a riff on my 'Baked Chicken stuffed with Feta and 
herbs' with an eye on poaching stuff. It was mostly successful.

I bashed out four chicken breast flat by sticking them in a plastic bag 
and whacking them with a rolling pin. This not only got them nice, flat 
and tender it also served to make me feel better. Bonus!

Then I crumbled about 150-200g of Shropshire Blue Cheese (very like 
stilton but more of an orangey colour, very nice) into a bowl with 
'some' (about half as much I think) of cream cheese (I used some with 
garlic and herbs already in) and some toasted pine nuts. I like pine 

Then I spread that over the non-skin side of the chicken breasts and 
rolled them up and coloured them slightly on each side in medium pan 
which had been *lightly* wiped with olive oil. Then I took them out and 
let them cool.

Once they were cool enough to touch I wrapped them tightly in clingfilm. 
At this point the reference I was cribbing the poaching method from also 
says that you should wrap them in tinfoil but I didn't have any. Maybe 
next time.

Then I stuck them in some boiling water for twenty minutes whilst I 
watched ER.

The results were mixed. The chicken itself was delicious. However all 
the filling had come out and, whilst it had flavoured the meat, I was 
kind of hoping for a gooey, cheesy center. Also it was slightly over 
done - I think that perhaps I had the heat up too much under the water.

I also made a sauce by reducing a cup of white wine and 4 ice cubes of 
chicken stock in the pan that I'd browned the chicken in. It was 

Suggestions would be gratefully received.

Generated at 00:00 on 19 Mar 2005 by mariachi 0.41