Re: Pan-seasoning (was Re: [] griddling)

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From: Joel Bernstein
Subject: Re: Pan-seasoning (was Re: [] griddling)
Date: 15:16 on 14 Apr 2005
On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 03:00:20PM +0100, Nigel Rantor wrote:
> Joel Bernstein wrote:
> >
> >I've never tried cumin with fish... A really good seasoning for fish is
> >Zahtar - it's a middle-eastern mix of Sumac [aka Hyssop], thyme, sesame
> >seeds and salt, and it tastes absolutely delicious on fish [particularly
> >tuna or marlin] - sort of lemony. I imagine it's what the spice in Dune
> >tastes like ;) 
> >
> >Zahtar also goes exceptionally well with hummous. As does smoked
> >paprika. MMMMM.
> Cool, got any recommended amounts for that mixture?

as in respective quantities? I buy ready-mixed zahtar from sainsbury's -
there's a brand whose name I've forgotten who sell spices in little
silver metallic pouches. Ooh, a quick google says it's Seasoned


a mix I found online says 2 parts sesame seeds to 1 part sumac and 1
part dried thyme.

> What kind of recipes would you use it on?

Mix it with oil and spread it on bread.
Mix it with lamb mince and chopped mint to make really delicious kofte
In general it seems to go well with mediterranean [as in greek, turkish,
moroccan etc] and middle eastern dishes. it's very good with meatballs
and fish.

It goes well as something to dip bread'n'oil into.


There's stuff above here

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