Re: Pan-seasoning (was Re: [] griddling)

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: Re: Pan-seasoning (was Re: [] griddling)
Date: 15:22 on 14 Apr 2005
On Apr 14, 2005, at 15:00, Nigel Rantor wrote:

>> I've never tried cumin with fish... A really good seasoning for fish 
>> is
>> Zahtar - it's a middle-eastern mix of Sumac [aka Hyssop], thyme, 
>> sesame
>> seeds and salt, and it tastes absolutely delicious on fish 
>> [particularly
>> tuna or marlin] - sort of lemony. I imagine it's what the spice in 
>> Dune
>> tastes like ;) Zahtar also goes exceptionally well with hummous. As 
>> does smoked
>> paprika. MMMMM.
> Cool, got any recommended amounts for that mixture?

You can buy it in jars from Jad at Borough Market. Or just adjust the 
seasoning to suit. You don't need a lot of sumac - it's got a very 
sharp, distinctive flavour...

> What kind of recipes would you use it on?

Mix it in with some lemon juice and honey, rub all over and inside a 
shoulder of lamb. Wrap in foil and roast on a low, low heat for 4 hours 
or thereabouts. (I just sling them onto the hot coals on the barbecue)


There's stuff above here

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