Re: [] Supermarket Syndrome

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From: candace
Subject: Re: [] Supermarket Syndrome
Date: 21:40 on 09 May 2005
On Sat, 7 May 2005, Kake L Pugh wrote:

> My problem is with supermarkets.  I just hate being in them.

One of the first places I go in any new place is the supermarket.  It is, 
hands down, THE quickest way to get to grips with the differences and 
similarities in any culture.  When visiting any place, if I have a chance 
to hit the supermegahypermarket, I will always go for a bit of tourist 

(You can buy canned pork brains from the Piggly Wiggly nearest my house 
back in Mississippi.)

Therefore, I love supermarkets.  An entire culture under one roof.

But I love them less when they are packed with people.  I also dislike 
crowded markets since, er, I hate crowds.

And, hey, 24 hours!  (Except on Sundays due to the ass backward Sunday 
shopping laws here.)

> supermarket.  I hate that the vegetables are ridiculously expensive
> yet not as fresh as the ones I get in the market.  I hate everything
> being wrapped in plastic, and I hate all the fish being rectangular.

I hear you on the veg, but I have a huge huge mental problem with whole 
dead fish, so sadly I am also overjoyed at rectangular fish.

I can see both sides to this issue, really. I can say that selection in 
supermarkets the world over seem to be getting better in terms of 
organic/free-range/blah-de-blah selection, for which I thank them. And 
shop from them.


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