Re: [] Supermarket Syndrome

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Supermarket Syndrome
Date: 01:01 on 08 May 2005
On Sat 07 May 2005, Karen McAtamney <karen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx> wrote:
> I don't buy into organic food necessarily being healthier than non-organic
> food (though I'll concede it's better for the environment).

Coincidentally I now find myself reading this:,1,507209.story

which is not an extremely wonderful article in itself, but it did remind
me of the conversation at last night's dinner party (which is documented at

for the interested) about veganism not being unequivocally the most
environmentally-friendly choice.  The quote "I'd rather buy the
commercial broccoli grown down the street than the organic that was
shipped halfway around the world." is what drew me to read the article.


There's stuff above here

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