Re: [] Supermarket Syndrome

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Supermarket Syndrome
Date: 23:56 on 07 May 2005
On Sat 07 May 2005, Karen McAtamney <karen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx> wrote:
> The problem isn't the supermarkets themselves, the problem is what
> people are choosing to buy in them.

My problem is with supermarkets.  I just hate being in them.  They
make me miserable.  They make me less inclined to either cook or eat.
Being in a shop that sells food should make me hungry!  I hate the
artificial lighting and the bad kind of crowdedness; not people
flocking together because they like being where they are and they like
having all the other people around them, but people stuffed into one
place together all wishing the other people had come half an hour
earlier or later.  I hate that nothing ever seems to inspire me in a
supermarket.  I hate that the vegetables are ridiculously expensive
yet not as fresh as the ones I get in the market.  I hate everything
being wrapped in plastic, and I hate all the fish being rectangular.


There's stuff above here

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