Re: [] [RECIPE] Tori Katsu Kare

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] [RECIPE] Tori Katsu Kare
Date: 18:44 on 09 Jul 2005
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Hi folks.  First post, just joined the list.  I'm an Aussie foodie=20
living in London.  Big on asian (what you call Oriental) food, like most=20

This one time, at band camp, Simon Wistow wrote:

> * Instead of Kare use katsu sauce. This can be faked (very=20
>   approximately) with ketchup and lots of worcestershire sauce.

You don't need to fake it if you're going to the Japan Centre or the=20
Japanese/Korean supermarket at the base of Centrepoint.  Buy those cubes=20
of curry (kare) sauce, labelled things like "Montana curry sauce" I=20
think.  There's also a sweet, fruity sauce they sell.  Can't remember=20
the name but it smells a lot like worcestershire sauce, so I'm guessing=20
tamarind.  The label is kind of orange/brown from memory.  That's=20
basically all you need for a katsu sauce (as made by my Japanese friend=20
last time she visited).

If there's interest, I'll buy the ingredients on Monday and put up some=20
photos of what they are.

While you're in either of these stores, be sure to pick up a packet of=20
roasted wasabi peas.  An amazing snack, and one of my faves.  Yum!

Rev Simon Rumble <>

The Tourist Engineer
Geeks need vacations too.

 "TV is chewing gum for the eyes."
- Frank Lloyd Wright

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