Re: [] Katsu!

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: Re: [] Katsu!
Date: 12:36 on 13 Jul 2005
On Jul 13, 2005, at 11:15, Simon Wistow wrote:

>> (In other news: went to Floridita (was Mezzo) last night. I've never
>> seen such good ingredients be so utterly fucked about with. Bad, bad
>> cookery. But the dishes that were assembled rather than cooked were
>> pretty decent.)
> I enjoyed it when I went
> Gone down hill or just I got luck you reckon?

I suspect it was because I was on a table of 15. But that shouldn't 
mean that they commit such heinous errors as overcooking a piece of cod 
to the point at which it turns into something that feels and tastes 
like wallpaper paste.

The venue's much nicer than when it was Mezzo, though. And the quality 
of ingredients has gone up - some excellent roast pork there, and a 
cracking bit of manchego.

And I think it's pronounced Tok-Aye. BICBW.


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